2. “The Incredibles” – A classic animated film about a family of superheroes who must come together to save the world from a dangerous villain. |
3. “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” – This animated Spider-Man film follows the story of Miles Morales as he learns to navigate his new powers and team up with other Spider-People from alternate dimensions. |
4. “Matilda” – Based on the classic children’s book by Roald Dahl, this film follows a young girl with telekinetic powers who uses her abilities to stand up to her cruel parents and headmistress. |
5. “Moana” – A Disney animated film that follows the journey of a brave Polynesian princess as she sets out to save her island from a dark force. |
Important Facts: |
1. Make sure to check content warnings and ratings before allowing your child to watch a movie on Amazon Prime, as some films may contain mature themes or content. |
2. Encourage your child to discuss the movie with you afterwards, to expand their understanding and critical thinking skills. |
3. Consider watching the movie together as a family, to bond over a shared experience and discuss any important themes or messages portrayed in the film. |