2. “The Incredibles” – This Pixar animated film follows a family of superheroes as they try to balance family life with saving the world. |
3. “Moana” – This Disney animated film follows a young girl named Moana as she sets sail on a daring mission to save her people. |
4. “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” – This classic 80s film follows a scientist who accidentally shrinks his kids and their friends, leading to a series of comedic adventures. |
5. “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” – This action-packed comedy follows a group of teenagers who find themselves trapped in a video game and must navigate a dangerous jungle to escape. |
Important facts about Amazon Prime: |
1. Amazon Prime is a subscription service offered by Amazon that includes free two-day shipping on eligible items, streaming of movies and TV shows, and other benefits such as music streaming and free e-books. |
2. Amazon Prime Video is the streaming service offered by Amazon Prime that includes a wide selection of movies, TV shows, and original content. |
3. Amazon Prime members have the option to rent or buy movies and TV shows that are not included in the Prime Video library. |
4. Amazon Prime Video offers the ability to download select titles for offline viewing, making it a convenient option for long flights or road trips. |
5. Amazon Prime Video also offers parental controls that allow parents to restrict access to certain content based on ratings and genres, making it a family-friendly option for movie nights. |