John Carter Worst Movie Ever And Important Facts

“John Carter” is a science fiction film released in 2012, directed by Andrew Stanton and based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “Barsoom” series. The film was considered a major box office flop, losing Disney an estimated $200 million.
Some important facts about “John Carter” include:
– The film was originally titled “John Carter of Mars,” but the title was changed to simply “John Carter” to appeal to a broader audience.
– The production budget for the film was around $250 million, making it one of the most expensive films ever made.
– “John Carter” received mixed to negative reviews from critics, with many criticizing its convoluted plot and lack of character development.
– Despite its poor box office performance, the film has developed a cult following over the years, with some fans praising its visual effects and world-building.
Overall, while “John Carter” may be considered by some as one of the worst movies ever made, it still has some redeeming qualities that have helped it find a niche audience.

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