The film, released in 1989, stars Patrick Swayze as a tough bouncer hired to clean up a rowdy bar in a small town. Despite its negative reviews, “Road House” has developed a cult following over the years and is often cited as an example of a so-bad-it’s-good movie. |
Some important facts about “Road House” include: |
– The film was directed by Rowdy Herrington and produced by Joel Silver, known for producing action films such as the “Die Hard” series. |
– “Road House” was a box office success, grossing over $30 million worldwide. |
– The film features a memorable performance by Swayze, who performs his own stunts and fight scenes. |
– The movie has inspired a number of parodies and homages in popular culture, including a “Mystery Science Theater 3000” episode dedicated to riffing on the film. |
– Despite its critical reception, “Road House” has become a beloved cult classic and continues to be a favorite among fans of action movies. |