Worst Movie Endings Of All Time And Important Facts

1. The Mist (2007) – The ending of this movie is widely regarded as one of the worst in cinematic history. The main character kills his own son and friends, only to discover moments later that rescue is near. This bleak and pessimistic conclusion left many viewers feeling cheated and disappointed.
2. The Happening (2008) – M. Night Shyamalan’s eco-horror film has a notoriously terrible ending where the mysterious cause of the mass suicides turns out to be… plants. Yes, plants are targeting humans with a toxin release in an attempt to protect themselves. This twist was widely panned by critics and audiences alike.
3. War of the Worlds (2005) – The ending of this Spielberg-directed film is widely criticized for being anti-climactic and unsatisfying. The aliens are suddenly defeated by a common cold virus, which conveniently wipes them out after they seemed invincible throughout the entire movie.
Important facts about movie endings:
1. Endings can make or break a movie: A poorly executed ending can undo all the goodwill and enjoyment that a viewer had for the rest of the film. A strong ending can elevate a movie and leave a lasting impact on the audience.
2. The importance of closure: A good ending should provide closure for the characters and storylines that have been set up throughout the movie. It should tie up loose ends and leave the audience feeling satisfied.
3. Unexpected twists can be effective if done well: While some of the worst movie endings are criticized for their out-of-left-field twists, a well-executed twist can leave the audience shocked and impressed. However, it’s important that the twist makes sense within the context of the story and doesn’t feel forced.
4. The ending should be earned: A good ending should feel earned based on the events and character development that have taken place throughout the movie. Audiences are more likely to be satisfied with an ending that feels organic and logical within the framework of the story.

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